Saturday, December 06, 2003


You, the implement
of my deconstruction

I accept
and welcome

as I lie open

Should not the pod thank the knife?

head split open
heart split open
gut split open

poison ego gutted from this shell

Heaven pours out
Heaven pours in.

19 December 2003


Sad lump in my mouth
kills flavor of all food
I am less when he is gone:
I will be less when he returns.

-touch a tender moment
snuggle softly in my arms-

For two days it slid silent
along my naked arm;
an added copper bangle
makes it sing his name
every time I move my hand.

-soul bleeds through these
holes torn in
my fragile paper face-

16 December 2003


Spattering of stars shine
in sky deep enough to drown
as biting breath of winter
comes swirling up my gown.

Round moon echoes off fresh snowfall
bushes whisper to themselves
the night is brilliant hush song
with resonance of bells.

8 December 2003


At the ready,
your sledgehammer
set to shatter every
tender moment.

Capture them in crystal
snatch them swift
like little rocks
to tuck inside the
of my heart.

6 december 2003

Two Men

One man tall, in trenchcoat
and hat
One man short, bareheaded, balding
wearing tweed
begin to cross the street.

Tall man stops short man
gripping his arm;
they talk
as they wait
inclining heads now,
now watching traffic.

After initial bump-and-grasp
of tall man saving short man
from a taxi
they do not separate
but cross, arms still
touching, more fond
than the handsome
man and woman
crossing arm and arm behind
briskly oblivious
to one another.

4 December 2003


Wish away, try to hide from what's been done
Fear freezes, placing blame
Guilt teases, facing shame
I am a bitter taste upon your tongue.

6 December 2003

> 17 <

Stormcloud dank with guilt
smothers shining joyful summer:
regret snows cold.

6 December 2003